Infodemic, as a trigger for fear of COVID-19.


  • Luz Andrea Castañeda Argueta Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



Infodemic, overinformation, fear, pandemic, covid-19


OBJECTIVE: describe the presence of fear of the coronavirus (COVID-19) triggered by the infodemic in mental health professionals. METHOD: descriptive cross-sectional study, with a representative sample of 303 professionals. RESULTS: it was determined that the prevailing age range in the study population was between 18 to 35 years old with 60.39%, the predominant gender was female with 82.83%, most of the professionals indicated being single, obtaining 56.76% . Instead of residence, it was emphasized in the departments of Guatemala, achieving greater participation in Quetzaltenango with 28.05%, Jutiapa with 18.81%, Zacapa 17.82%, Guatemala 17.16% and Totonicapán with 3.63%. Somatic Activation with 89.10%, was the component of fear with the greatest presence in the population. CONCLUSION: 90% of the professionals had a representative score of fear of COVID-19 equal to or greater than 17.5, highlighting that 68.31% stated that they use social networks as a means of dissemination that they frequent the most to stay informed of the coronavirus, identifying Facebook with 72.27%, as the most used social network.


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Author Biography

Luz Andrea Castañeda Argueta , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He has closed the Pensum of a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the University Center of Zacapa -CUNZAC-, currently a student of the Master's Degree in Neurosciences with an emphasis on Neurocognition.


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How to Cite

Castañeda Argueta , L. A. . (2022). Infodemic, as a trigger for fear of COVID-19. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 5(1), 33–40.



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