La complejidad del aprendizaje del hombre en la bioagricultura alimentaria


  • Victor Estuardo Villalta García Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Melvy Dinora Pantaleón Córdova Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Claudia Esmeralda Villela Cervantes Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



complexity, learning, bioagriculture, food


OBJECTIVE: to reflect on the complexity of man's learning in food bioagriculture in eastern Guatemala. METHOD: a bibliographic review was carried out, with the use of hermeneutics in the interpretation. RESULTS: Bioagriculture, refers to the living of nature, is the harmonic relationship of agricultural systems with the Planet Earth, the recursive relationships of the individual triad, society and species, the self-organization and autopoiesis that only the living beings that inhabit the planet Earth are capable of having, the self-organization process is characteristic of nature. CONCLUSION: recursiveness, harmony, the interrelationship between man and mother earth and the species that cohabit in the common home, is what allows farmers in eastern Guatemala to grow ancestral knowledge to apply it in bioagriculture.


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Author Biographies

Victor Estuardo Villalta García , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He is an Agronomist graduated from the University of San Carlos of Guatemala, specializing in Geographic Information Systems and Soils, developing some research with educational entities in the areas of environment, soil science, climate and others.

Melvy Dinora Pantaleón Córdova, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She has a degree in nursing, graduated from the Mariano Gálvez University, with a master's degree in Nursing, currently works for the Zacapa University Center, as a career coordinator and develops research activities together with professors and students before different entities.

Claudia Esmeralda Villela Cervantes, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She is a Postdoctoral candidate in Education, Research and Complexity at the Bolivian Military School of Engineering, a Doctor of Education, a Master's in Human Resources, an Engineer in Information Systems and Computer Science, a High School Professor of Accounting Economic Sciences and an Expert Accountant. She is a DIGI researcher at the University of San Carlos in Guatemala.


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Morin, E. (1990). Introducción al pensamiento complejo. Paris.

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How to Cite

Villalta García , V. E., Pantaleón Córdova, M. D., & Villela Cervantes, C. E. (2022). La complejidad del aprendizaje del hombre en la bioagricultura alimentaria . Revista Académica CUNZAC, 5(2), 185–194.



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