La complejidad desde la perspectiva de cuatro ejes temáticos


  • Karla Isabel Solis Veliz Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Lizzy Carlily Escobar Orozco Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Oscar Augusto Chacón González Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Shirley Mireya del Rosario Samayoa Juárez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



complexity, critical thinking, didactics, ethics, ethnography


OBJECTIVE: address complexity from four thematic axes that intervene in the teaching-learning process. METHOD: the qualitative approach was used through bibliographic and documentary review. RESULTS: show that didactics, ethnography, critical thinking and ethics have a direct impact on the formation of the subject of education, so that, from their reconstruction and interrelation, they highlight the logic of their ordering and systematization. The academic preparation of the teacher and the development of scientific, psychological and didactics skills and with it, generate processes of educational innovation, capable of developing in the student the skills to interpret, analyze, evaluate and create new knowledge, not only with scientific solidity, but also with ethics and morales, understanding society and what happens in it. CONCLUSION: complexity is a scientific theory in formation that allows its approach through different thematic axes that, when interrelated, promote the construction of a new educational epistemology.


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Author Biographies

Karla Isabel Solis Veliz, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She is a PhD Student in Research in Education, Master in Strategic Communication and Public Opinion, Graduate in Communication Sciences and Graduate in Graphic Design, graduated from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala. Professor of Psychology of Art at the School of Psychology and Technologies and Alternatives for Adult Education of the Master's Degree in University Teaching with an emphasis on Andragogy at the University Center of Zacapa, CUNZAC.

Lizzy Carlily Escobar Orozco, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She is a PhD Student in Research in Education, Master in Leadership in Educational Accompaniment, Bachelor of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences, graduated from the University of San Carlos in Guatemala. Full Professor I of the San Marcos University Center, Tacaná Extension, with undergraduate teaching.

Oscar Augusto Chacón González, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He is a PhD Student in Research in Education, Master in Virtual Communication, Graduate in Communication Sciences, Coordinator of the Technology, Information and Communication Unit of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of San Carlos of Guatemala.

Shirley Mireya del Rosario Samayoa Juárez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She is a student of the Doctorate in Research in Education and of the Master's Degree in Public Policies for Development, Master in Strategic Management and Development of Human Talent, Bachelor of Business Administration, Head of the Organizational Development Division of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Solis Veliz, K. I., Escobar Orozco, L. C., Chacón González, O. A., & Samayoa Juárez, S. M. del R. (2022). La complejidad desde la perspectiva de cuatro ejes temáticos. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 5(2), 169–183.



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