La complejidad en la educación, en la tecnología, en los agro-ecosistemas y en la ecología


  • Abel Arturo Morales Samayoa Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Cristian Alexander Rosales Gómez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Manuel Gustavo Guzmán Navas Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Christian Eduardo Dominguez Morales Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



complexity, education, technology, ecosystems, ecology


OBJECTIVE: to develop an overview of various approaches to complexity theory. METHOD: this study has been of the bibliographic, investigative and judicious type. It was necessary to consult the criteria of several authors, thus establishing a structure that would result in this work. RESULTS: the ways in which complex thinking can improve education are discussed and criteria are offered for applying complex thinking to education. The approach to technology is carried out from the perspective of complexity in an attempt to approach the observation of the current accelerated and drastic changes. An analysis of the agro-ecosystem and its interaction with complexity is presented, in which it is intended to establish an interpretation of several factors. The complexity in ecology and its relationship between man and the common home are studied, where the epistemology of risk breaks paradigms of facing recurring events every year without a resilient culture. CONCLUSION: students who receive an education based on complex thinking are likely to perform significantly better. There is a need for self-organization aimed at building a new model of technological-collective thought, based on love. The study of complexity in agro-ecosystems allows us to establish the importance of establishing and identifying its presence in our agricultural systems. The complexity in ecology and its relationship between man and the common home, teaches us to face recurring events every year with a resilient approach.


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Author Biographies

Abel Arturo Morales Samayoa, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He graduated in 1999 as an Agronomist at the Centro Universitario de Oriente (CUNORI), from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC), the same place where he also graduated in 2013 with a Master's degree in Education and Curricular Environmentalization. He is currently studying for a PhD in Educational Research at the Zacapa University Center (CUNZAC).

Cristian Alexander Rosales Gómez , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He is an Agronomist by profession, in the academic degree of Master of Science in University Teaching, Doctorate in Research in Education. With research at the level of agriculture (wild tomato, polymorphisms of the Loroco (Fernaldia pandurata Woodson)) and agroindustry (different methods of conservation of the flower of the Loroco (Fernaldia pandurata Woodson)).

Manuel Gustavo Guzmán Navas, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He is an Agronomist by profession, in the academic degree of Master of Arts in University Teaching with Emphasis in Andragogy. Doctorate in Research in Education. With research at the agricultural level (Systematization of Good Agricultural Practices and Hand invoice) also (Evaluation of different pruning heights in the cultivation of loroco Fernaldia pandurata Woodson, in the departments of Zacapa and Chiquimula).

Christian Eduardo Dominguez Morales, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He is an Environmental Engineer, Master's Degree in Rural Development and Climate Change, with an undergraduate degree in Agroecology and Postgraduate Studies in Analysis of Socio-ecological systems: Tool for community resilience and Integrated Risk Management, consultant on issues of Community Management, Disaster Risk Reduction ( GCRRD), Management and Restoration of Ecosystems (MRE), Climate Change Adaptation (ACC), Recovery of Local Knowledge (RCL) and Formulation, Elaboration, Evaluation of Integral Human Development Programs and Projects.


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How to Cite

Morales Samayoa, A. A., Rosales Gómez , C. A., Guzmán Navas, M. G., & Dominguez Morales, C. E. (2022). La complejidad en la educación, en la tecnología, en los agro-ecosistemas y en la ecología. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 5(2), 145–159.



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