La psicología forense y los adolescentes en conflicto con la ley penal




forensic psychology, adolescents, criminal law


OBJECTIVE: to apply forensic psychology as an auxiliary science to the administration of justice, so that with its analysis it greatly helps to explain the legal situation of adolescents in conflict with criminal law. METHOD: deductive, scientific and analytical, because the development of the theoretical framework started from the general to the particular, knowing various elements of the phenomenon to be studied in order to understand it. RESULTS: Forensic psychology applied to adolescents who have transgressed the criminal law, contributes to the evaluation, explanation and prevention of the phenomena of behavior that violates the norm, considering the previous psychological studies that are carried out during the criminal process, however, these They should be applied preventively to reduce the number of adolescents who commit crimes. CONCLUSION: psychology studies the mind of the human being trying to understand certain behaviors that make people act in different ways, from general psychology comes an auxiliary science to the administration of justice such as forensic psychology, adolescents must be protected by the State, from abuse, exploitation and all kinds of discrimination, due to their age dependent on an adult, they are in a state of vulnerability.


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Author Biography

Wendy Johana Pérez Palma, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He is a Master in criminal procedural law, closed pensum. Specialization in criminal procedural law by USAC, Bachelor of Legal and Social Sciences, Lawyer and Notary UMG, Expert in Business Administration, Private Mixed Institute Dr. Pedro Molina.


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How to Cite

Pérez Palma, W. J. . (2022). La psicología forense y los adolescentes en conflicto con la ley penal. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 5(2), 27–33.



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