The stages of Constitutionalism in Guatemala


  • German Orlando Vargas Salguero Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



constitutionalism, stages, state


Since the declaration of independence, Guatemala has witnessed different stages that affected the constitutional State, since the first constitutional project a determination to constitute a country in accordance with the rule of law and the maximum values ​​of constitutionalism, freedom, equality and limitation of political power is evident. ; on the contrary, political leaders who at the time promoted important constitutional reforms focused on the ideals of democracy and respect for human rights, did not have the continuous attachment of other heads of government regarding the consolidation of these modern ideals.

At the time of Guatemalan liberal constitutionalism, an attempt was made to concretize a divisional political structure of counterweights in order to eradicate the concentration of power, through certain constitutional bases that sought to achieve their connection and application within the government scheme, which were distorted by political leaders who sought their own interests.


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Author Biography

German Orlando Vargas Salguero , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

The author of this essay graduated from the Bachelor of Legal and Social Sciences in 2012, student of the Master of Constitutional Law at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Vargas Salguero , G. O. . (2021). The stages of Constitutionalism in Guatemala. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 4(2), 63–70.



Ensayos científicos