Marxist socialist system (China y Cuba)


  • German Orlando Vargas Salguero Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



socialism, system, state


PROBLEM: historical materialism posits the idea that economic factors are the primary drivers of human history and that the economic conditions of a society are the engine of change. The main principles and values ​​of Marx's socialist theory have been implemented in States such as the former Soviet Union, China and Cuba. OBJECTIVE: the study seeks the development of an analytical study based on Marx's theory in accordance with a sociopolitical system supported by certain principles and values ​​of common character and popular power. METHOD: the applied method is descriptive and dogmatic, where historical results, doctrinal documents and theories were taken. RESULTS: according to Marx, the political system must be based on a classless society, that is, the idea that society should be egalitarian without social divisions. Instead, all citizens should receive the same reward for their work. The idea of ​​popular power led to different revolutions in what was called the class struggle, considered as the historical idealism of humanity in its constant struggle between the oppressed classes and the oppressing classes. CONCLUSION: this system believes in collective ownership of the means of production, as the idea where workers should own the means of production (factories, land, etc.) and work together. cooperatively


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Author Biography

German Orlando Vargas Salguero, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Maestro en Derecho Constitucional, grado académico otorgado por la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala, en el año dos mil veintiuno, abogado y Notario, Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas, Sociales y de la Justicia en el año dos mil doce, realice mi primera publicación en la presente Revista en el año dos mil veintiunos, con el tema Etapas del Constitucionalismo Guatemalteco.


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How to Cite

Vargas Salguero, G. O. (2024). Marxist socialist system (China y Cuba). Revista Académica CUNZAC, 7(1), 53–66.



Scientific articles