The unemployment and violence against women in Guatemala


  • Leonel Humberto Morales Ixcajó Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



violence, woman, unemployment, discrimination


PROBLEM: Guatemala has been whipped by violence since the colony, the dictatorships of the 19th century, the internal war conflict, until the so-called era of peace that precedes today. The discrimination and social exclusion as a manifestation of violence against women have an impact on the well-being of the population and reduce the opportunity of access to employment in regulated labor market for the historically vulnerable segment of women. OBJECTIVE: to analyze the participation of Guatemalan women in employment and the consequent implications of the violence against women has in this sector. METHOD: the analytical method and observation techniques were used for the retrospective study from 2010 to 2021 to understand the particular nature of the phenomena. RESULTS: the unemployment rate of women does not decrease at the same rate as that of men. The lack of inclusion and job opportunity for women in the formal sector, as a result of social discrimination, is reflected in their high participation in the informal sector, whose condition is aggravated when factors such as: gender, ethnicity and place of residence are combined. CONCLUSION: the gap of inequality in access to employment between men and women continues to grow, in addition, the instruments to combat criminal violence against women are insufficient and have not mitigated the exclusion effects.


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Author Biography

Leonel Humberto Morales Ixcajó, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Magíster en Finanzas por la Universidad Rafael Landívar; Contador Público y Auditor por la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala; estudiante del Doctorado en Ciencias Económicas especializado en Administración Financiera por la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Ha trabajado en el sector corporativo de servicios profesionales y en la cooperación al desarrollo.


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How to Cite

Morales Ixcajó, L. H. (2023). The unemployment and violence against women in Guatemala. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 6(1), 31–39.



Scientific articles