Psychomotor skills in school stage children


  • Héctor Alfredo René Bran Girón Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



neuroscience, neuroeducation, psychomotricity, childhood, neurorehabilitation


PROBLEM: Impaired motor skills in school children OBJECTIVE: to determine the psychomotricity of children in the school stage METHOD: descriptive cross-sectional study carried out at the "Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Jornada Matutina Aldea Barrio Nuevo" in the municipality of Zacapa RESULTS: N=149 primary school children from the public sector of Zacapa were studied. formal education, of the daily regular monolingual modality; identifying psychomotricity through the Ozerestky Gilman test, obtaining as results of the investigation the sociodemographic characteristics with greater frequency in relation to the age group, children older than 10 years with 53% (N = 78) and the gender with the greatest predominance, male with 56% (N=84). The parameters of the psychomotricity test with the highest prevalence in terms of motor difficulties were, in chronological order, synkinesis, paratonia and laterality with 59% (N=88) and the space-time structure with 54% (N=80). CONCLUSION: classify based on the parameters of the psychomotricity test, finding a total of 59% (N=88) of which 27% belong to medium motor deficiency (N=40), 17% of the children have superficial motor deficiency (N =26) and 15% of the study population (N=22) corresponding to profound motor deficiency.


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Author Biography

Héctor Alfredo René Bran Girón, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Licenciado Héctor Alfredo René Bran Girón licenciatura en pedagogía administración educativa, experiencia en educación para cuidadores de adultos mayores con demencia domiciliares e institucionalizados, con especialización de Neurociencia con énfasis en Neurocognición. 


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How to Cite

Bran Girón, H. A. R. (2023). Psychomotor skills in school stage children. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 6(1), 15–22.



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