Los retos de la educación para el desarrollo sostenible en Guatemala


  • Maira Virginia Gómez Méndez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




education, sustainability, curriculum


OBJECTIVE: promote ecological culture from education for sustainability by developing links between national and international institutions through the restructuring of curricula and competency units in all programs and study plans. METHOD: within the present investigation, the descriptive and deductive method, due to the limited extension that was required of the researchers, posing challenges and different probable lines of action, therefore, viable for the development of an investigation of greater proportions. RESULTS: it is important to highlight that in the majority of institutions specifically educational, there is a lack of a curriculum that projects competency units with a sustainable / sustainable approach and some other public and private institutions, as well as at the higher level, do not ensure the inclusion of content from the perspective of sustainability. CONCLUSION: to conclude with these ideas, it is necessary to understand that the role of education is and has been to prepare subjects for life, creating conducive environments to drive and promote sustainability from the different levels of the Guatemalan educational system, therefore it is It is necessary to understand that education cannot be homogenized, each context is different, there is no single reality, but different perceptions provide different nuances since the truth cannot be assumed to be absolute; Let us therefore direct our efforts as educators to forge the citizens of tomorrow, with full awareness of their human condition and the environment that surrounds them, on a sustainable education.


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Author Biography

Maira Virginia Gómez Méndez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

OBJECTIVE: promote ecological culture from education for sustainability by developing links between national and international institutions through the restructuring of curricula and competency units in all programs and study plans; METHOD: within the present investigation, the descriptive and deductive method, due to the limited extension that was required of the researchers, posing challenges and different probable lines of action, therefore, viable for the development of an investigation of greater proportions. RESULTS: it is important to highlight that in the majority of institutions specifically educational, there is a lack of a curriculum that projects competency units with a sustainable / sustainable approach and some other public and private institutions, as well as at the higher level, do not ensure the inclusion of content from the perspective of sustainability. CONCLUSION: to conclude with these ideas, it is necessary to understand that the role of education is and has been to prepare subjects for life, creating conducive environments to drive and promote sustainability from the different levels of the Guatemalan educational system, therefore it is It is necessary to understand that education cannot be homogenized, each context is different, there is no single reality, but different perceptions provide different nuances since the truth cannot be assumed to be absolute; Let us therefore direct our efforts as educators to forge the citizens of tomorrow, with full awareness of their human condition and the environment that surrounds them, on a sustainable education.


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How to Cite

Gómez Méndez, M. V. (2022). Los retos de la educación para el desarrollo sostenible en Guatemala. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 5(2), 161–168. https://doi.org/10.46780/cunzac.v5i2.83



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