Concepción del Estado respecto a la existencia de un pluralismo jurídico


  • Dalia Editte Lemus Morales Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



State, pluralism, legal pluralism, consequences, advantages


OBJECTIVE: to determine the legal and social consequences of legal pluralism. METHOD: by reading and researching various books on the conception of the state regarding the existence of legal pluralism. RESULTS: equality before the law has always been an aspiration of every justice system, but this is not possible if the rules or legal norms that apply to some are different from those that apply to others, the indigenous peoples have the advantage that they can know the formal system. CONCLUSION: the legal consequences of legal pluralism would be conflicts of jurisdiction, disrespect for the right to defense and due process in the trial, illegitimacy in the election of indigenous authorities; and the social consequences would be social divisionism, impunity, abuses and uncertainty about rights and how to apply them, power struggles and ungovernability due to the competition between different justice systems.


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Author Biography

Dalia Editte Lemus Morales, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She has a degree in Legal and Social Sciences, Lawyer and Notary, graduated from the Mariano Gálvez University of Guatemala. Active collegiate number twenty-eight thousand nine hundred and seventy. Worker of the Judicial Organism, starting her judicial career as Itinerant then as Notifier and finally as Processing Officer III, which is where she currently works, in the Court of First Instance Civil and Coercive Economic of Zacapa; closed pensum in Master of Criminal Procedure Law; He is currently in the first semester of the Doctorate in Constitutional Law, at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.


Agudelo, O., et al. (2017). Análisis y aplicación de los derechos humanos en el contexto de la Corte Interamericana. Colombia: Editorial Universidad Católica de Colombia.

Bobbio, N. (2016). Teoría general del derecho. (5ª. ed.), Colombia: Editorial Temis.

Carbonell, M. (2003). Neoconstitucionalismo(s). Colección estructuras y procesos: Serie derecho. (4ª. ed.), España: Editorial Trotta.

Casaús, M., et al. (2006). Diagnóstico del racismo en Guatemala: Prácticas discriminatorias y construcción colectiva de conceptos. Guatemala: Vicepresidencia de la República de Guatemala.

González, E. (1994). Antología-historia de la cultura de Guatemala. (3ª. ed.), Guatemala: Editorial Cooperativa de Servicios Varios.

Steiner, C. y Uribe, P. (2014). Convención Americana sobre derechos humanos. Colombia: Editorial Temis.

Legislación nacional

Asamblea Nacional Constituyente (1985). Constitución Política de la República de Guatemala. Guatemala: Tipografía Nacional.

Legislación internacional

Organización de los Estados Americanos (1969). Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos. Pacto de San José. Costa Rica: OEA.



How to Cite

Lemus Morales, D. E. . (2022). Concepción del Estado respecto a la existencia de un pluralismo jurídico. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 5(2), 49–55.



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