Crecimiento de las Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito “MICOOPE” en el ámbito financiero guatemalteco.




Savings and Credit Cooperatives MICOOPE, development of rural communities, non-regulated financial system, banks


OBJECTIVE: to analyze the growth of the federated cooperative financial system, specifically the Federation of Savings and Credit Cooperatives -Fenacoac- whose trademark is "MICOOPE", and the participation it has in the regulated financial sector, specifically the banking sector. METHOD: analysis of the total assets, savings and credit portfolio of both the cooperative sector and the banking sector, to be able to correlate through the linear regression method and time series, with data obtained from the Superintendency of Banks and Fenacoac - MICOOPE, from 2005 to 2021. RESULTS: the inversely proportional relationship of the growth in assets of the MICOOPE cooperative sector with the banking sector was determined, derived from the growth of the cooperative sector has influenced the decrease in the growth of the banking sector, showing an average annual growth 14% for the cooperative sector and 10% for the banking sector. CONCLUSION: derived from the faster growth of the cooperative sector, this will cause the cooperative sector to have a greater participation in the Guatemalan financial sector, having a participation of 7% for the year 2021, doubling the percentage of participation compared to the year 2005 which had a 3% share.


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Author Biography

Mario Roberto Zamora Molina, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He is a Public Accountant and Auditor, from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala, with a Master in Financial Administration from the Galileo University and currently a Doctorate Student in Economic Sciences with a specialization in finance at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Zamora Molina, M. R. . (2022). Crecimiento de las Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito “MICOOPE” en el ámbito financiero guatemalteco. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 5(2), 19–25.



Scientific articles