Assessment of Written Language and its relationship with Literacy Learning


  • Sandra Concepción De León López Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Elie Alberto De León Natareno Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Omar Alexander Félix López Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



literacy, learning, epilepsy, malnutrition


OBJECTIVE: To compare literacy learning in children with medical conditions such as epilepsy and malnutrition. METHOD: a quantitative, non-experimental descriptive, transactional research study was conducted in 31 children, of whom 16 are suffering from some degree of malnutrition and 15 with epilepsy, from the south-western region to whom the OLA test was applied, which tries to estimate the degree of effectiveness in literacy. RESULTS: After carrying out the process of testing the hypothesis, it was established by means of the Ji square test, that in the study group the medical condition of the children does not have a significant relationship with their diagnosis of reading-writing, checking it with an alpha of 0.05 and a value in table of 11.07, while the calculated square Ji value had a 4.4563 as the final result, establishing that Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. CONCLUSION: It has been established through neuroscientific studies and observed in everyday life in the health profession the relationship in the observation of children with literacy disorders who suffer from malnutrition and epilepsy to some degree greater than children who do not suffer from such comorbidities.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Concepción De León López, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Researcher of the master's degree in Neurosciences with an emphasis on neurocognition, she has a specialization in Neurodevelopment and conducts scientific research.

Elie Alberto De León Natareno, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Researcher of the master's degree in Neurosciences with an emphasis on neurocognition, he has a specialization in Neurodevelopment and conducts scientific research.

Omar Alexander Félix López, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Researcher of the master's degree in Neurosciences with an emphasis on neurocognition, he has a specialization in Neurodevelopment and conducts scientific research.


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Olea, R. (1977). Prueba de lectoescritura, Centro de perfeccionamiento, experimentación e investigaciones pedagógicas de Chile, 1-13.



How to Cite

De León López, S. C. ., De León Natareno, E. A. ., & Félix López, O. A. . (2022). Assessment of Written Language and its relationship with Literacy Learning. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 5(1), 47–53.



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