"Characterization of cognitive maturity in children with intellectual disabilities"


  • Ingrid Estefanía Linares Pinto Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Héctor Alfredo René Bran Girón Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Mario Josúe López Rojas Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Josué Elizandro Pinto Cabrera Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Edwin Lucas Vanegas Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




cognition, disability, neurosciences, neurodevelopment, pediatrics


OBJECTIVE: to determine the relationship between cognitive maturity and intellectual disability by identifying cognitive, motor and language dysfunctions in school-age children. METHOD: a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out in the municipality of Zacapa, in a total population of 204 school-age children who attend the curricular adaptation program of the Ministry of Education. RESULTS: the mean age of the population was between seven and fourteen years old, with a predominance of the female gender in 66% (N = 181) over the male 34% (N = 73). The degree of cognitive maturation by the ABC test was the lowest cognitive maturation with 90% (N = 184) followed by the mild cognitive maturation of 10% (20). Data were obtained from the neuropsychological evaluation of the Intellectual Quotient (IQ) finding moderate intellectual disability with 88% (N = 179) followed by mild intellectual disability with 12% (N = 25) CONCLUSION: the correlation of the lowest cognitive maturity with moderate intellectual disability by means of a contingency table identifying Chi square with Yates correction of 19.8634 and a p value <0.00001 showing extreme statistically significant.


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Author Biographies

Ingrid Estefanía Linares Pinto, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Researcher of the Master in Neurosciences with an emphasis on Neurocognition, University of San Carlos de Guatemala.

Héctor Alfredo René Bran Girón, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Researcher of the Master in Neurosciences with an emphasis on Neurocognition, University of San Carlos de Guatemala.

Mario Josúe López Rojas , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Researcher of the Master in Neurosciences with an emphasis on Neurocognition, University of San Carlos de Guatemala.

Josué Elizandro Pinto Cabrera, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Researcher of the Master in Neurosciences with an emphasis on Neurocognition, University of San Carlos de Guatemala.

Edwin Lucas Vanegas , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Researcher of the Master in Neurosciences with an emphasis on Neurocognition, University of San Carlos de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Linares Pinto, I. E. ., Bran Girón, H. A. R. ., López Rojas , M. J. ., Pinto Cabrera, J. E. . . . ., & Lucas Vanegas , E. . (2022). "Characterization of cognitive maturity in children with intellectual disabilities". Revista Académica CUNZAC, 5(1), 9–15. https://doi.org/10.46780/cunzac.v5i1.51



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