Neuroscience: play as a learning connector


  • Corina Irene González de la Roca Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Magdalena Chocoj González Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Monica Miriam Guzmán Pérez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Idania Marisol Alfaro Méndez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Alejandro Ríos Ramírez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



neuroscience, learning, play, neuroeducation, brain


In the first years of life, play is the main element of learning. Therefore, the transition from home to school is not difficult for the child. Children see the academic environment as a meeting place with friends, they associate learning with ease and fun.

Cognitive neuroscience focuses on the study of human learning and all the neuronal activity that is stimulated through play. Likewise, neuroplasticity is the brain's flexibility to adapt to changes through its neural networks. The brain changes and can be modified according to experiences such as the teaching-learning process throughout life.

Through this essay, important points about play as a connector of human learning are highlighted.  It is intended to expand and analyze the importance of incorporating dynamic elements in the teaching-learning process, being the student the scriptwriter of his own learning and the teacher the facilitator of it


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Author Biography

Corina Irene González de la Roca, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Team of researchers of the project "Neuroscience: the game as a connector of learning", of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

González de la Roca, C. I. ., Chocoj González , M. ., Guzmán Pérez, M. M. ., Alfaro Méndez , I. M. ., & Ríos Ramírez, A. . (2021). Neuroscience: play as a learning connector. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 4(1), 47–51.



Ensayos científicos