Effect of phytohormones and other chemical compounds on the incidence of flowering in loroco cultivation in Zacapa and Chiquimula, Guatemala


  • David Enrique Suchini Sagastume Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Emilio Granados Padilla Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Alix Noemy Paz Gálvez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




loroco, phytohormones, flowering


The cultivation of loroco is in high demand both in Guatemala and in the United States (USA), as well in other countries in the world where it is marketed. Because production is seasonal, with low inflorescence production in the summer season, it is necessary to increase loroco production and to break the seasonality of the crop. This study was carried out in four localities in the municipalities of Zacapa and Chiquimula. Using a completely randomized block design, with five treatments per block (SW-3 Seaweed Creme, Newgibb, Silver, Stimulus Plus 11SL, JA-63) and four replications at each location. Counts of the number of inflorescences per treatment were made every ten working days, the production obtained by each treatment was weighed, the number of flowers per inflorescence was counted and averaged, and the profitability of the crop was also evaluated. The inducer Silver showed the best results in relation to the other treatments evaluated: it stimulated flowering, the number of inflorescences, the total yield in kilograms and commercially. The application of this is an alternative for the agricultural producer, viable to produce loroco. The treatment had a benefit / cost ratio of 1.77%.


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Author Biography

David Enrique Suchini Sagastume, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Team of Researchers of the project "Effect of phytohormones and other chemical compounds in the incidence of flowering in loroco cultivation in Zacapa and Chiquimula, Guatemala". Of agronomy, which is important for farmers who are already protagonists of the use and benefit of research in the cultivation of Loroco, potential for the farmer creating economic opportunities that will be of benefit to their families and in the field of export of the culture.


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How to Cite

Suchini Sagastume, D. E. ., Granados Padilla, E. ., & Paz Gálvez, A. N. . (2021). Effect of phytohormones and other chemical compounds on the incidence of flowering in loroco cultivation in Zacapa and Chiquimula, Guatemala. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 4(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.46780/cunzac.v4i1.25



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