Aparthedi whithin the estate: Segregatio, cultural or religious


  • Carol Yessenia Vargas Salguero Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




segregatio, racial, cultural, religious, genre


OBJECTIVE: this article attempts to analyze the general aspects of the fundamental principles that the State must protect, such as equality and non-segregation of race, culture, religion and gender at the international and national levels; considered as a problem that has been fought for its eradication and protection throughout history METHOD: by reading and researching various books on militarization of the State, why they are involved and what effects it develops in the political sphere. RESULTS: it is necessary to establish the causes of this phenomenon, the achievements and the challenges that the states must undergo, being guarantors of the population, so that they have a better coexistence, in favor of the human and fundamental rights of each individual. CONCLUSION: it is necessary to establish the reasons for this phenomenon, the achievements and the challenges that the states have to master, being population guarantors, so that they have a better coexistence, in favor of the fundamental human rights of each person.


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Author Biography

Carol Yessenia Vargas Salguero , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

 La autora del presente ensayo es graduada de la Maestría en Derecho Penal en el año dos mil veintiuno y de la Licenciatura de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales en el año dos mil once, estudiante del doctorado de Derecho constitucional en centro universitario de Zacapa “Cunzac” de la Universidad de san Carlos de Guatemala.


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Correa Villalobos, F. (1965). El Apartheid. Foro Internacional, 3. Revista trimestral de investigación científica. 2016. https://www.jstor.org/stable/27737188

Mejía Mena, P. F. (2011). Análisis de la situación en Sudáfrica a nivel político, social, y de derechos humanos desde la abolición del apartheid (1994) hasta el año 2009 (Bachelor's thesis, QUITO/PUCE/2011). http://repositorio.puce.edu.ec/handle/22000/3865

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How to Cite

Vargas Salguero , C. Y. (2023). Aparthedi whithin the estate: Segregatio, cultural or religious. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 6(2), 120–128. https://doi.org/10.46780/cunzac.v6i1.106



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