Quality of sleep and the neuroscience


  • Brenda Karina Panseits Rojas Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




sleep, quality, neuroscience, rest, neurology


OBJECTIVE: Describing the effects of the quality of the sleep from a neuroscientist focus METHOD: Theoretical construction with base to reflection and bibliographic revision WORKED OUT: The organism needs to rest through the sleep for the functioning of various systems of the body next to other elementary processes from the point of view of the neuroscience; Sleep is vital establishing his importance in the active, cyclic and periodic state that transcends of the human being CONCLUSION to the correct physical and emotional functioning: Sleep is a process studied by several years ago which add up information of the importance of this in their phases named I dream NREM and I dream REM abbreviations conceive reference to the ocular motion in English, these phases enforce themselves in structures of the nervous system that entail a homeostatic harmony in several systems of the body; Therefore it is transcendent in the different cycles to understand the importance of sleep her life of a human being.   


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Author Biography

Brenda Karina Panseits Rojas , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Brenda Karina Panseits Rojas licenciada en Psicología y Consejería Social, posee experiencia laboral como psicóloga por 7 años, Docente de nivel primario y nivel medio en ciclo básico actualmente maestrando en la Maestría en Neurociencias con énfasis en Neurocognición del Centro Universitario de Zacapa.


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How to Cite

Panseits Rojas , B. K. (2023). Quality of sleep and the neuroscience. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 6(2), 88–95. https://doi.org/10.46780/cunzac.v6i1.102



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