Impact of initial reading on child neurodevelopment


  • Henri André Armas Bran Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



reading, child neurodevelopment, basic initial reading test, , reading abilities and skills, toddlers


PROBLEM: infants have some change in the brain when they learn to read. OBJECTIVE: the objective of the study is to establish by means of an initial reading skills and abilities test the level of progress obtained by the kindergarten students of the Monte Real Mixed Educational Center and how this teaching area supports brain development. METHOD: descriptive analysis of the data collected in the Marion Monroe pre-reading test.  The subjects participating in the research are students from 5 to 7 years old who are in kindergarten at the Monte Real school located in San Pedro Sacatepéquez, municipality of Guatemala. RESULTS: the level of reading development was determined by analyzing habits, relationship with sensations, ability to retain details, similarity of objects and knowledge of words, at the same time results, progress and impact on neurodevelopment were compared in relation to the student's age. CONCLUSION: Neuroscience helps to understand, know the configuration and organization of the brain in the initial reading stages, and describes the impact on children's neurodevelopment.


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Author Biography

Henri André Armas Bran, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudiante de Maestría en Neurociencias con énfasis en Neurocognición. Maestría en reingeniería, aseguramiento de la calidad y la tecnología, Postgrado en Ingeniería de negocios, Licenciado en administración de empresas con énfasis en finanzas, Diplomado en gerencia de desarrollo y administración pública - BID/INDES -, Diplomado en gerencia avanzada – ISADE de Venezuela -.


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How to Cite

Armas Bran, H. A. (2024). Impact of initial reading on child neurodevelopment. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 7(2), 186–198.