Impact of sensory and cognitive stimulation in the first stage of child neurodevelopment


  • Sandy Lorely Cordón Lemus Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



neurodevelopment, stimulation, sensory, cognitive


PROBLEM: sensory and cognitive stimulation that children present between the ages of 3 to 6 years, during this initial phase it plays a vital role in the formation of neural connections and in the construction of the child's future, it is the beginning of human development, especially During early childhood, it constitutes a period of rapid transformations and progress. OBJECTIVE: to provide a detailed and comprehensive analysis of how sensory and cognitive stimulation influences children's neurodevelopment in their early years, seeking to improve educational and care practices to optimize growth and learning. METHOD: through the qualitative approach, with an analytical approach, the total universe is 16 children between the ages of 3 to 6 years. RESULTS: through data collected from 16 participants, in a gender division of 60% boys and 40% girls, with a low socioeconomic level, in sensory stimulation 100% in visual, olfactory and gustatory aspects and 90% auditory and 80% in tactile, in relation to cognitive stimulation, 100% of the participants receive stimulation in attention and thinking, 80% in memory and intelligence. CONCLUSION: participants have been exposed to cognitive stimulation, including attention and thinking. Furthermore, most participants have experienced stimulation of memory (80%) and intelligence (80%) and in cognitive stimulation most participants have experienced stimulation of memory (80%) and intelligence (80%).


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Author Biography

Sandy Lorely Cordón Lemus, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Actualmente maestrante de la Maestría en Neurociencias con énfasis en Neurocognición, por medio del programa de estudios de grado por postgrado de la carrera de Licenciatura en Psicología del centro universitario de Zacapa, Cunzac de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Cordón Lemus, S. L. (2024). Impact of sensory and cognitive stimulation in the first stage of child neurodevelopment. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 7(2), 161–173.