Pets for emotional support in patients with neurodevelopmental disorder with anxiety and/or depression


  • Ana Cecilia Mota Chavarría Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



pet, disorder, neurodevelopment, anxiety, depression


PROBLEM: people diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) who present comorbidities of anxiety and/or depression have pharmacological and psychological support, but emotional support can present challenges, with the possibility of emotional dependence or isolation OBJECTIVE: to investigate the benefits of emotional support pets in a sample of 80 cases with NDD with comorbidities of anxiety and depression to compare the mood they presented before and after sharing with him. METHOD: descriptive, transversal type with an analytical approach will be used; using a structured questionnaire prepared by the researcher and a comparison of mood will be carried out before and after being accompanied by an emotional support pet with the Scale (TMMS-24). RESULTS: this study has confirmed that 25% of the sample presented a significant improvement in the dimensions (emotional attention, clarity of feelings and emotional repair) of the TMMS-24 scale and 75% of the sample reflected a significant improvement only in two , leaving the emotional attention dimension with a deficit despite the fact that it showed an increase CONCLUSION: The patients in the sample showed 100% improvement, confirming that pets canbe of emotional support for these patients; although more scientific research needs to be carried out on the subject.


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Author Biography

Ana Cecilia Mota Chavarría, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Psicóloga general ha ejercido en atención clínica con niños, adolescentes y adultos con orientación en logoterapia y terapia cognitivo conductual desde el 2014 en Clínica Antal y 2019 en Clínica Resiliencia;  en el área educativa como tallerista, docente, coordinación y creación de programa de inserción laboral y en el área social como tallerista en instituciones educativas públicas, en la organización Techo y conversatorios en la organización Visibles, entre otros. La autora actualmente cursa el segundo año de la maestría en Neurociencias con énfasis en Neurocognición en la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Centro Universitario de Zacapa.


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How to Cite

Mota Chavarría, A. C. (2024). Pets for emotional support in patients with neurodevelopmental disorder with anxiety and/or depression. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 7(2), 145–160.

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