Frequency of use of electronic devices and its relationship with attentional processes in children aged 7-11 years


  • Darinka Gabriela Cruz Cojulún Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



attention, electronic devices, eurocognition


PROBLEM: the time of use of electronic devices is related to a decrease in the quantitative and qualitative attentional capacity of children aged 7-11 years. OBJECTIVE: to relate the time of use of electronic devices and the quantitative and qualitative attention span in children aged 7-11 years. METHOD: through a quantitative approach, a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in a total of 80 children, measuring their attentional percentiles and relating them through Jamovi with the hours of use of devices reported. RESULTS: 62% of the population evaluated is below the 50th percentile with respect to attentional quality and 26% is below the 50th percentile in their levels of quantitative attention and 96% of the population reports a time of use of 2 to more than 5 hours of electronic devices. CONCLUSION: there is a significant negative relationship between the use of electronic devices and the attentional processes of abstraction and quality of care, however, differences are observed for the female and male sexes, maintaining the female sex a more linear relationship, and the male a less linear relationship, so it may be a reason for future research.


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Author Biography

Darinka Gabriela Cruz Cojulún, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudiante de la Maestría en Neurociencias con énfasis en Neurocognición en la Universidad de San Carlos de Zacapa; Licenciada en psicología general, graduada del Centro Universitario de Occidente, actualmente prestando servicios en clínica psicológica en el departamento y municipio de Sololá y capacitando a personal de diferentes instituciones.


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How to Cite

Cruz Cojulún, D. G. (2024). Frequency of use of electronic devices and its relationship with attentional processes in children aged 7-11 years. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 7(2), 116–131.