Cultural beliefs about neurodegenerative diseases in the geriatric population of rural Guatemala


  • Lea Elizabeth Mes Guitz Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Marleny Esmeralda Chán Tesucún Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



worldview, older adults, neurodegenerative disease


PROBLEM: what is the point of view of the rural population of Guatemala regarding the neurodegenerative disorders of the elderly? OBJECTIVE: to know the worldview of the rural population regarding neurodegenerative diseases, their progress and how they are treated in the elderly. METHOD: rural communities and families made up of older adults between 60-80 years of age were chosen. RESULTS: the majority of the rural population does not identify neurodegenerative diseases. The types of assistance that they seek the most is that of the general practitioner, healer and community nurse. The preference in taking a treatment is drugs and combined medicinal plants. CONCLUSION: schooling is important for everyone, however, it is not a conclusive factor that affects cognition in the rural geriatric population in Guatemala. Another important finding is that the female population does not manifest more neurodegenerative diseases as some authors argue. It is verified that field work prevents neurocognitive diseases. Therefore, it is important that older adults remain active in domestic, field and other work to avoid dementia. Therefore, neuroscience constitutes the primary goal with a focus on the well-being of human life.


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Author Biographies

Lea Elizabeth Mes Guitz, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Licenciada en Psicología y Consejería Social, Profesora en Teología. Actualmente es maestranda de la Maestría en Neurociencias con énfasis en Neurocognición del Centro Universitario de Zacapa. Se dedica a la clínica privada y a la docencia en estudios bíblicos.

Marleny Esmeralda Chán Tesucún, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Licenciada en Educación Ambiental, guatemalteca, graduada en el Centro Universitario de Petén, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, labora como docente en el nivel preprimario.


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How to Cite

Mes Guitz, L. E., & Chán Tesucún, M. E. (2024). Cultural beliefs about neurodegenerative diseases in the geriatric population of rural Guatemala. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 7(2), 100–115.

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