Neuropsychological functioning in healthy people and people with a history of cannabis use


  • Walter Alexander de Paz Orozco Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



cannabis, neuropsychological domains, neurocognitive alteration


PROBLEM: cannabis is considered an illicit drug; chronic frequent consumption of cannabis alters the central nervous system both at a structural and functional level that affects the alteration of the different neurocognitive domains. OBJECTIVE: to identify neuropsychological functioning in healthy people and people with a history of cannabis use to determine if there are statistically differences of 0.05% in both groups. METHOD: the type of study is with a descriptive-comparative approach, the statistical test used was Student's t and p value. The convenience sample is made up of 20 people, 10 who consume cannabis and 10 who do not consume, between the ages of 18 and 59. RESULTS: discrepancies were found in the different subdomains such as auditory, divided, and sustained attention, which were measured with the BTA test, obtaining a p-value score of 0.01%. Processing speed, visual tracking, cognitive impairment and shared attention were measured by the SDMT test, reaching a p-value of 0.01%. And, finally, phonetic fluency S, planning, speed in accessing words, and ability to execute reached a p-value of 0.03%. CONCLUSION: the results indicate that there is a statistically significant difference at 0.05 in neuropsychological functioning in people who consume cannabis compared to people who do not consume cannabis.


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Author Biography

Walter Alexander de Paz Orozco, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Posee el grado de licenciatura en Psicología clínica, con especialización de Experto en Neuropsicología infantil, con Postgrado en Neuropsicología y Evaluación Cognitiva, con Especialidad en Psiquiatría y Psicología forense y rehabilitación neuropsicológica en personas con daño cerebral, se dedica a la atención clínica y comunitaria. Además, también realiza docencia universitaria en dos diferentes sedes como la Universidad Da Vinci de Guatemala y la Universidad Regional de Guatemala


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How to Cite

de Paz Orozco, W. A. (2024). Neuropsychological functioning in healthy people and people with a history of cannabis use. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 7(2), 30–44.